Saturday, July 9, 2011

Some interesting survey results ........

Survey may refer to Quantitative research. Statistical survey is a method for collecting quantitative information about items.. have read some interesting survey results today and want to share with you people...... :D

From the result of American food and drug administration ------> Girls suffer from migraine three times more than boys. Why?? It has been found by another research that boys are more relaxed than girls.

Boys' computers are 21% more affected from virus than girls' computers.. The same survey also shows that boys are being cheated in internet world more than girls..

20% Boys can understand if they are in love or not just after 4th date. Girls have scored only 15% in this field. Even after 21st date they cant understand its love or infatuation. Boys do not care about his partner's status, salary but girls care..

Extra-marital affairs
Another survey on divorce. only 3% Boys among who have extramarital affairs, have married that woman after divorcing his wife.

Mirror Image
Girls spend 2 years in their lifetime by watching themselves on mirror where boys spend only 6months in their life.

Social Networking
In facebook there are 69.7% boys and 75.8% girls.. Not only this, girls spend 30% more time in facebook than boys. And 83% girls have complains with their facebook friends..

We knew that, diamond is the best friend of a girl. But, now it has been replaced by chocolate. And, 73% girls want SEX than free chocolate every week. Its not the end, 91% girls can live without sex if they get 1000 dollar every week.

90% girls wash their hands before leaving toilet, where it is 75% in case of boys. Yet, it has been examined that there are more germs in a girl's hand than boy's.

[Source : Anandabazar Patrika, 9th july,2011]

Monday, July 4, 2011

When I was DEAD

Nothing but photoshop magic!!!!! :D