Woooooo-Hoooooo !!!!!!!!!! \\m// Got my android..... :) I wanted it very badly.. Have bought LG optimus Net P690.
800 mHz processor ,
512 MB RAM,
3MP camera,
150 MB internal memory and
32 GB external with
3G and
ofcourse Android OS -version 2.3.4 gingerbread.
And as a first android user I am very happy with my phone.. Actually it is healing my pain of staying in chennai.(As I got transferred from kolkata to chennai after 1 month training) :)
As days are passing by, staying in chennai is becoming easy. And about job,its alright.. ;) But, staying 2000 km away from home.................... :(
ReplyDeleteTelangana DSC Recruitment 2017 Notification is announced in last week of December with District wise Vacancies lists TS DSC 2017 , Telangana DSC 2017, TS DSC Notification 2017, TS DSC Model Papers 2017, Sakshi TS DSC Model Papers 2017, Namasthe Telangana TS DSC Model Papers 2017, TS DSC District wise Vacancies list 2017 Government Primary and Secondary Schools for Secondary Grade Teacher (SGT),Language Pandit (LP),School Assistant(SA)and Physical Education Teacher (PET) Posts with the TS DSC 2017.