O candy doll
Never stop me from holding your hand..
O branch of snow flowers!
Never stop me from touching you..
If you order me not to touch you or come closer..
What would happen to me?
O damsel! I was born for you..
If I don't get you, this life is a waste..
When I touched a flower, it scolds me saying..
that you have tender flower and guided me to you..
{{ Never come after me..
This flower is full of thorns..Touch me and you
will cry in pain..}}
When I touched a creeper, it scolds me saying..
that you are the lightning and guided me to you..
{{ With lightning comes thunder,
with thunder comes floods..Later it floods like you..}}
I will consider the floods as a boon..
I will even drown myself to unite with you..
The air touched you, so did the land..
Is it wrong for me to touch you?
{{ I breathed air...I walked on land..
tell me what's special about you? }}
The light touched you, so did the rain drop..
why is this indifference with me?
{{ The light showed me the path of hope..
the rain drop quenched my thirst..
How could you be compared with them? }}
They will be with you until you're alive..
I'll be with you even when you die..
Its a translated song from the Tamil movie MAGADHEERA... It shows that south can what even bollywood can't................ Saw the film with the help of english subtitle.......:)
kaal dekhlam...